
Fleet Washing Los Angeles to San Diego

Fleet Washing Services

Your Trucks Routinely Cleaned To Perfection

Get the best fleet washing In Los Angeles

Our mission at Octo Pro Wash is to provide the best fleet washing service in Los Angeles, CA. To achieve this, we strive to be an exceptional company every single day of the year. Octo Pro Wash believes in building long-lasting partnerships the old fashioned way, by being true to our word and allowing our actions to build the trust of our partners. We believe our attention to detail has been the cornerstone of our success to date. This shines through on every vehicle we clean. We might be old fashioned in how we view business success, but, we are not afraid to use the most cutting edge technology to give us a competitive advantage, which we happily pass on to our valued partners.

Hiring the right Los Angeles fleet washing company for your business is important

When you decide to partner with our company, you’re choosing a company who desires to share your values and vision. A company that values strong customer relationships and provides fast, efficient, but always effective services. A company that believes that doing the simple things right, every day, ensures that greater things will follow. Choose a partner you can trust to keep your vehicles looking their best. A company that places customer satisfaction above all else and will provide you with the best fleet washing service in LA. We maintain this position by providing the best training for our crew and top of the line technology for them to use. We have always been innovators in the industry of washing fleet vehicles, ensuring we are always reliable and operating at optimum efficiency.

What makes our Los Angeles Fleet washing different?

The notable difference between the service provided by our company and that of our competitors is that we do not use inexperienced subcontractors. All our work is completed, by experienced full-time personnel. Each has the skills and knowledge needed to maintain and reliably use all of our equipment. The use of cheap equipment and subcontractors allows some of our competitors to undercut our pricing. We believe that the price we charge is fair for the professional fleet washing service that we provide. We also maintain backups to our equipment just in case of any equipment failure on site. Meaning it can be replaced immediately to ensure you will always receive the best service.

Why Choose Our Professional
Fleet Washing Services?


Regular washing would make the maintenance of your vehicles much more manageable. If you let dirt and grime build up over time, getting rid of this becomes very difficult. Employing the services of a low-quality unprofessional cleaning company could result in corrosive chemicals being used. As a result, this has the potential to cause more severe and extensive damage to your fleet. Hiring our fleet washing experts is the best choice you can make for your business.

Proper Equipment

Professional fleet cleaning services understand the value of investing in their people and equipment. They always purchase and maintain the most suitable tools for every job. Cleaning isn’t as simple as pointing a high powered water hose at a vehicle and holding it there until it is clean. There are specific techniques needed to ensure no damage occurs, and knowledge of different chemicals is required to remove particular dirt efficiently. This increases the longevity of your fleet.

Employee Safety

Professionally maintained vehicles add to your employees mental and physical health more than you might think. Fleet Washing is proven to help businesses retain their employees because they are happier. If you’re looking to increase the productivity and moral of your team which do you believe would be a more successful way of doing so? A clean, or dirty vehicle? Keeping your fleet well-kept will ensure your employees feel most comfortable choosing to work for you over competitors.

Our Los Angeles Fleet Washing Guarantee

Our team of professional technicians will ensure that your vehicles are always professionally cleaned in a manner that will not cause any damage. We strive to clean hundreds of vehicles every day in an environmentally safe way. Each of our fleet washing crew members receives regular supervision from our quality control manager who is responsible for maintaining their cleaning standards and training. Outside of the highly trained professional cleaning crews, we also have experienced support staff in place that provides dedicated customer service, quality control, maintenance, operations, and safety inspections.

Ready To Rejuvenate Your Business?

What You Can Count On!